Saturday, February 17, 2007

Notice the little baby ticker is empty!! ---->

That's because today is our due date! Baby's not here yet, though.

I know I haven't updated forever, so I'm not sure there's anyone still reading, but if there is, here's the scoop:

Two and a half weeks ago, my doctor told me I was dialated to almost three cm and that I may be "one of those silent dialaters." She was surprised that I hadn't felt any contractions yet. A week after that, I was dialated to four and had felt some very mild contractions. It was nothing painful like real labor, but just a little tightening and pressure once in a while. The doctor told me if I was still pregnant by my next weekly appointment, we'd discuss induction. I went back on Valentine's Day, and I was still dialated to four. She wanted to do another sonogram to make sure the baby wasn't getting too big and asked me if I wanted to induce the next day, or wait and see what happens. I thought long and hard about it, because I'm a planner. It's been driving me insane not knowing what would happen when. It seems so strange that something so big and important and life-changing wasn't something you could really plan for. So I was really tempted to have her induce me, just so I'd know when it was coming, but I decided it would be better for the baby (if not my peace of mind) to wait and see. We were still two days before my due date after all.

They did the sonogram later that day and it was really neat! We didn't get any better pictures than we'd gotten before, but seeing it on the screen was amazing. We could see little Tadpole waving his/her fist in front of his/her face, and the little eyes and mouth opening and closing. It was so cool!! They called me that afternoon to tell me that everything looked fine with the sonogram, and that Tadpole was measuring about 7 pounds, 15 ounces. A bit on the big baby side, but nothing abnormal. I expected to have a big baby. After all, I was over 8 pounds when I was born.

So here we are, just waiting to see what this (not so)little baby wants to do. He/she could come at any time. If I don't go into labor by Thursday the 22nd, we'll be going into the hospital for induction. So within a week, we'll be a family of three. Well, four if you count our furbaby, Josie. She is going to be one jealous cat! She's already upset about all of the new things we've been bringing in the apartment. All except for our new rocking chair, which she's adopted as her own.

I haven't posted any pictures of my round self yet, so just for all of you that live too far away to see it live, here it is:

I actually didn't get nearly as big as I thought I was. I'm sure that'll be different next time. I know you get bigger and show faster after the first pregnancy. Like my poor cousin in that photo who is expecting her sixth and was showing long before me, even though her due date isn't until April.

We've finshed converting our big closet into a little nursery. Hopefully we won't have to use it for too long. After I'm able to go back to work, we plan to move to a bigger place. In the mean time, we'll be cozy in our tiny little apartment. The nursery did turn out really cute, though.

So that's everything in a nutshell, I guess. I'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as anything happens. In the meantime, keep us in your thoughts and send me some short-easy-labor-happy vibes!

P.S. Don't forget to wish Bryan a happy birthday tomorrow! I'm worried his day will be overshadowed by baby anticipation!