Wednesday, September 13, 2006

17 Weeks, 3 Days

Your baby, now about in its 15th week of development, measures about 4.4 to 4.8 inches from crown to rump and has doubled in weight in the last two weeks to about 3.5 ounces. Fat begins to form, helping your baby's heat production and metabolism. The lungs are beginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and the circulatory and urinary systems are working. Hair on head, eyebrows and eyelashes is filling in.
~Courtesy WebMD
I've been having trouble figuring out what to write on this blog since there really isn't all that much going on right now. I've not yet begun to show, though I believe it won't be long. I'm going to have to change underwear styles soon. TMI, I know, but I have to write something on here or they all yell at me. Most of the sickness is gone, which is good, but occasionally I still un-eat at random times. ("Un-eat" : a word Bryan and I came up with to replace all those ugly words for vomit. You know, like chuck, heave, blow chunks, puke, spew, technicolor yawn, pray to the porcelain god, yodel groceries, hork, etc. etc. Did you ever notice the grosser something is, the more names we have for it?)
You know what's great about being pregnant? It's the privileges, man. You get more perks than Paris Hilton at the VMAs. It's pretty cool, and a little hard not to take advantage of. I just say things like, "My throat is really dry lately," and Bryan gets me some water. The other night I was watching General Hospital (Tivo'ed) from my new favorite TV position: flat on my back on the floor. It makes my back pretty sore, though, so I like to put my feet up on the computer chair. It's kind of a horizontal sitting position. I said something like, "That chair is always just a little too far away," and Bryan got up and moved it for me. He earned 1000 extra brownie points for that move, because we're the couple who will sit with our empty dinner plates in our lap for hours, watching out of the corners of our respective eyes to see who gets up first. Our favorite word in the Redneck Dictionary has always been "sensuous." Later that same night, I saw someone on TV eating chocolate chip cookies and I said, "I want chocolate chip cookies!" in my very best demanding 3-year-old voice, and do you know what Bryan said??? He said, "Do you want me to go get you some?" I was amazed because the 3-year-old voice has been in my repertoire since long before I was pregnant, but it pretty much never worked before. It was just kind of a joke. I never ever ever expected to get what I was whining for.
I am such a spoiled brat. I totally admit it without hesitation.
It's not that way all the time, though. I have an ugly three inch burn on my arm that I got while cooking my husband's dinner. I was in the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant at the time. When I pointed this out to Bryan, he said, "But you didn't make me a pie?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutly HI-lirous!!!!hehe
I always enjoy reading your posts, besides hearing about tadpole. I like the way you write so just write about whatever. Though you do have some good stories about Bryan. Hope to see you guys for Dad's birthday sometime next week.

11:22 PM  

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